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Menus & Tags


At Start up

HINT: Important order for working - C. A. M:
C = Categories. First - create your categories
A = Articles. Next - create your articles
M = Menu. Next - add your article to your menu

Create a Menu

  • Go to Menu Manager
  • Fill in Menu Details (Title / Menu Type (e.g. Main Menu; Website Development / Description

Add an article to a Menu

Once an article is written and saved:

  • Go to Menu Manager
  • Choose the Menu you want to add the article to (usually Main Menu)
  • Title – usually the same as the article (Choose Show/Hide from Page Display tab – Hide)
  • Menu Location –Main Menu
  • Parent Item – select Menu title (e.g. new course article would go in Courses menu item)
  • Ordering – select the one you want your article to appear after
  • Menu Item Type > Articles >Single Article
  • Select Article > find article title
  • Target window > Parent
  • Save > Refresh frontend and review > make any changes necessary > Save & Close

Reorder Menu Headings

  • Go to Menu Manager > Main Menu
  • Using the 3 little squares to the left of the screen, click and drag Articles within Main Item areas
  • NOTE: When a menu title is clicked on the left-hand menu the submenus underneath are/can be sorted, but the submenus on the right-hand menu are/can not.
  • To sort: Click Title. If there are more than 10 items, click All in the dropdown list then Title.

Change the title that shows in the browser tab

  • Menu Manager > Menu Items > Article
  • Page Display tab > Browser Page Title (If want different from Article title)

Add a tiny picture to a Menu Title

  • Find an image, save it and resize to 24px x 24px. Upload to Media Manager.
  • Open Menu Manager and find menu item to add picture to. Click.
  • Click Link Type tab, then Link Image – Select
  • Find your image in selection that shows.
  • Insert, Refresh.

Submenus and Multi-level menus (Parent and child menus)

Main menu is "Pets", then two top-level menu items (actually submenus of "Pets") called "Dogs" and "Cats". Under Dogs are submenus "Collies" and "Greyhounds". Under Cats are "Tabbies" and "Siamese".

  • Pets
    • Dogs
      • Collies
      • Greyhounds
    • Cats
      • Tabbies
      • Siamese

Menu "Pets" and sub menus:

  1. First create your articles, either separate articles for Pets, Dogs, Collies, Greyhounds, Cats, Tabbies, Siamese, or one article for Pets, one for Dogs and one for Cats.
  2. In Menu Manager go to Main Menu
  3. Click New and create a new menu called "Pets"
    • Menu Item is Article/Single Article
    • Select article – Pets
    • Menu Location is Main Menu
    • Parent Item is Men Item Root
    • Save & Close.
  4. Still under Main Menu, click New and add a new Menu Item called "Dogs", Menu Item is Article/Single Article, Select article – "Dogs", make "Pets" the Parent Menu. Click Save then choose the Ordering for your menu item:
    • Ordering: When you have several items in the drop down list click the item title you want your new menu item to go after.
  5. Add another Menu Item called "Collies" as above, make "Dogs" the Parent Menu
  6. Add a third Menu Item called "Greyhounds", again making "Dogs" the Parent Item. (Remember, these can all point to the same article.)
  7. Add the "Cats" Menu Item. Be sure to make the Parent Item for this "Pets".
  8. Add the last two Menu Items, "Tabbies" and "Siamese", making "Cats" the Parent Item for both.

Menu Ordering

When creating a new Menu Item:

  • In the dropdown ordering list click the item title you want your new menu item to go after.

After several Menu Items have been created:

  • Go to Menu Manager. Choose the menu you want to work with (e.g. Main Menu)
  • Click on the Menu Item
  • Choose Ordering from the ID dropdown
  • Select the ID dropdown menu and choose Ordering from the list.

Select the menu item to re-order:

  • To re-order a menu item click on the three squares icon, shown circled in the image below.

joomla menumgr menu items

  • As you start moving the menu item it will turn green. Move the item up or down in the list to the position you want, then let go.
  • NOTE: You can re-order Articles, Categories and Featured Articles the same way.

Create a Side Menu

SeniorNet website Module Style

  • Go to Module Manager, choose Main Menu
  • Go to Advanced Tab > Module Style - was "Inherited" now "html5" (shows titles in CAPS with line under each title)
    Module Class Suffix is _menu
  • Other options (under Module Tab):
    Select Menu - Main Menu
    Start Level - 1
    Show Sub-menu items - Yes
    Base Item - Current
    End Level - All
    Position - position-7

Applying Menu Class Suffixes (Horizontal vs. Vertical Menus)

If your main menu shows as a vertical list instead of a horizontal bar add (space) nav-pills to the Menu Class Suffix in the Options section of the menu, as demonstrated in this video:

Using Tags to create a Menu 

The Courses Listed A-Z menu is created using Tags to simulate categories and link using the Tags Menu Item under Components.


Tags in Joomla! provide a flexible way of organizing content. The same tag can be applied to many different content items across content types (articles, weblinks, newsfeeds, contacts, and categories). Any item can have as many tags as desired. Once an item is tagged with a specific tag, browsing to the link for that tag will give a list of all items that have been tagged with that tag.

Creating Tags - Tags can be created in two ways:
  • You can browse to the Tags manager (link on the Components menu). There you can create detailed tags in a way similar to creating an article. Besides a name, tags can include a description, images, meta data and other items similar to all other Joomla content types. In the Tags Manager you can also choose a parent for a tag to create nested tagging. 
  • You can create tags on the fly in any content editing screen that has a tags field. Start typing the name of a possible tag. Once you get to three letters you will start to see suggested tags that already exist. If you are creating a brand new tag finish typing the name and hit enter and the tag will be created for you when you save.
Displaying Tagged Content - Once you have tags and some tagged items you can display them in the front end in several ways:
  • By default Joomla! will display tags embedded in each item that has been tagged. You can turn this display off by changing the parameters. You can control positioning of this display with layout overrides and alternate layouts and you can style it with your css.

  • You can create a menu link that displays a list of tags, with links to the tagged items for each tag.

  • You can create a menu link that displays a list of tagged items for a given tag and display either as a list or blog style.

  • You can use one of the tags modules. Popular tags will display a linked list of the tags that have the most tagged items. Similar Tags will display a list of items that have a similar set of tags to the currently displayed item (note that this module does not display on pages that are not showing content items).

From Search for How To Use Content Tags in Joomla!