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Camera to Mac

camera to computer

Two x 2-hour sessions     Cost $14     For Mac users only


One of the universal activities people use computers for is viewing and sharing digital photos. This course, which is for those who use a Mac rather than a PC, shows you how to transfer photos from your camera to your computer. It will cover transfer from digital cameras, phone or tablet to Mac. 

  • Prerequisites

    Basic computer skills

    You will need to bring:

    A digital camera or phone with camera or tablet with camera
    A USB connection from the device to a Mac computer
    A memory stick if using SeniorNet computers
    Any chargers required

    Optional: Your own Mac computer
    Optional: Your Camera software disk
    Optional: Your card reader

    Learning Objectives

    You will learn how to: 

    • Transfer photos from your camera to a Mac computer
    • View your photos and delete as required
    • Rename images and transfer to folders
    • Create a folder system for fast easy sorting of your photos
    • Delete photos from your camera's card
    • Format your camera's memory card

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