Find your way around this website
Home Page Overview:
The Home Page is the Welcome to SeniorNet Nelson page.
- You need to scroll/swipe down to see everything on this page.
- There are Links to other pages on this page, and throughout the website.
- Links are coloured blue and are often underlined. They will change colour when you hover your mouse over them.
- Click a link (or tap on a phone or tablet) to move straight to the linked page.
- Click/tap the Back Button on your screen to return to the previous page, click/tap another link, or click/tap Home to return to the Home Page.
- A quick way of getting back to the Home Page from anywhere is to click the SeniorNet Nelson title at the top left of the screen which is also a link.
The top section of the screen
- The Menu (also known as the Navigation Bar)
- There is a drop-down menu across the top of the screen on every page.
- Click/tap any of the titles on this menu to open an article or show a list of more items in that section.
- Click/tap your choice to open an article.
OR click/tap the small arrow beside the title on the menu bar to see a drop-down list of titles, then click/tap the item title of your choice.
OR Hover your mouse (don't click/tap) over a menu title to see a drop-down list of titles, then click/tap the item title of your choice. - Some of the drop-down titles have an arrow indicating a sub-menu item; Hover your mouse down and over to choose these items.
- NOTE: If you are on a small device (tablet or phone), the menu will not show until you click/tap the
icon. Then you can click/tap an item of your choice, or click the arrow to show more options. Then click/tap the menu title again to remove the drop-down list.
- The Breadcrumb – straight under the drop-down menu on the home page is a line saying You are here: Home
This is called a breadcrumb and will always show you which page (screen) you are on within the website,
e.g. Home / Courses / Windows Courses / Basic Skills Refresher means you are on the Basic Skills Refresher article in the Windows Courses sub-section of the Courses section.
For a quick way back to a previous section or to the home page, just click/tap the appropriate section in the breadcrumb. - The Search Box - Underneath the Breadcrumb is the Search box. To find an article in the website you can type a keyword into the box, e.g. iphone (all lowercase) and tap the Enter key, This will bring up a list of articles which include the word iphone. You can then choose the most appropriate one.
- Quick Link Pictures - clicking/tapping one of these small images gives you a quick link to that section or article.
- Font size, Print and Email buttons - To the right of the screen just below the Quick Link Pictures are five small blue images
- The first four allow you to increase or decrease the size of the font (the text) of the website.
To return to the default (original) size click/tap the second image. - If you click/tap the fifth (larger) image you will get an option to print or email the page you are on.
- NOTE: To increase the size of the whole screen on a PC/Mac hold down the Control (Ctrl)/Command key and tap the + key (Ctrl+).
To decrease the size of the whole screen on a PC hold down the Control (Crtl)/Command key and tap the - key (Ctrl-).
- The first four allow you to increase or decrease the size of the font (the text) of the website.
The middle section of the screen:
- This area contains articles.
On the Home Page it is the welcome article and information about our Club Meetings, with links to articles giving more details.
The bottom section of the screen
- The Footer - The grey area at the bottom of the page is called the footer and in the footer you will find several sections - more Quick Links, and sections to help you find us and contact us. This footer appears at the bottom of every page.
- Quick Links - One click/tap on these links will take you to a popular page or website.
- Contact us – if you click/tap this email address an email should open on your computer addressed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
You can use this email to ask questions or send content and suggestions – your ideas are welcome.
The email will be passed on to a person who can help you.
(NOTE - You can also copy and paste this address into your email address box.)
Update your details - When you click/tap here, an email opens addressed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
If you have changed your address, phone number, email address since joining SeniorNet Nelson, send an email with your new details.
It also helps if you let us know when you change your computer or add devices. Just say something like “I have scrapped my XP computer and I now have an Apple Mac – plus I now have an iPhone” or whatever - the more information the better. Tell us if you have moved to Windows 10 or bought an iPad or Android Tablet or Smartphone please. - How to find us – has a map of where we are in Nelson and if you click/tap View larger map Google Maps will open with a wider view.
- Facebook and Twitter links - these links will take you to our SeniorNet Nelson Facebook and Twitter pages.
You may need to sign in with your account to see them. - There are also Buttons to take you Back to Home, if you are not on the home page already, or To Top of the Page you are on.
The Menu Sections
- HOME - the small image of a house is a link to the Home Page
- SITE HELP - this link opens this screen
- JOIN - the sub-menus are:
- Brochure
- How to join
- Application form
- How to renew
- Find your way around this website
- Quality assurance
- Waiver
- START - the sub-menus are:
- Plan your courses
- About booking a course
- Operating Systems
- Chromebooks
- COURSES - the submenus are:
- List of courses A-Z - has all the courses listed alphabetically.
- Courses by system - divides our courses into groups, either by their Operating System, or by a group of similar interests, and there are sub-submenus for each of these groups.
- Android Courses
- iPhone Courses
- Mac Courses
- Windows Courses
- Courses for any system
- Email and Internet
- Managing your Computer
- Photography Courses
- How to register for a course
- TIMETABLE - This is a direct link, there are no sub-menus
- The TimeTable lists the dates and times of the Learning Group Meetings and the Monthly Club Meetings.
- It also lists upcoming courses and workshops - when the classes are to be held, the number of sessions and how much the course costs.
- Click How to Register to find out how to book a course or workshop.
No booking is needed for Learning Groups, Help Sessions and Club Day. - Each course title, when clicked/tapped, is a link to an article explaining the course - e.g. Android Starter
This article shows the length of the course, the cost, which operating system the course applies to, what the prerequisites are, and what you will learn.
- EVENTS - the submenus are:
- Club Meetings
- All Learning Groups
- Help & Practice
- ABOUT - the submenus are:
- Our People
- Office Bearers
- Admin
- SeniorNet sponsors
- SeniorNet History
- Photo Gallery
- Profiles
- SeniorNet Centres NZ
- Hall for Hire
- Articles about us
- Website - Find your way around
- NEWS - the submenus are:
- Latest News
- Crime Watch News
- Newsletters
- FOR TUTORS - the submenus are:
- Tutors' Log-in
- Learning Centre Calendar - A Google Calendar of events happening at the Learning Centre.
Only a few people can add or change this Calendar. Most of the information comes from the Course Coordinator, so if you would like to book the Learning Centre you need to call the Course Coordinator - Hilary Carpenter (027 949 1856) at this stage. - Hall Calendar - Hall Bookings - Also coordinated through Hilary.
- Tutors' Documents
- Glossaries
- Training Resources - Links to excellent sites with tutorials, and more, that can be incorporated into a course.
- Apps we like
- Websites we like
- For Tutors only - This area contains documents that tutors need when doing preparation for Courses, such as:
- The Tutors’ Handbook
- Class Notification forms
- Course Evaluation forms
- Travel expenses claims.
- NOTE - It is a log-in area for tutors only.
- Website Development -This section links to articles containing Information for website editors on creating and editing this Joomla template.
Present Website Editors
- E’beth McKendry and Sue Sturrock