Keyboard and Mouse Skills
Keyboard & Mouse Skills
Two x 2-hour sessions Cost $20
For Windows users
This course is for absolute beginners to computing.
Learning Objectives
You will learn:
- Basic terminology (computer-speak)
- What Hardware and Software means
- About the various components of the computer.
- About the Mouse, which is used to activate commands on the computer
- How to hold the Mouse correctly
- How to move the Mouse Pointer (Cursor) around the screen of your computer (Desktop).
- To open up 'drop-down' menus which allow you to select actions for your computer
- Keyboard Skills to familiarise you with the features of the Keyboard
- What all the buttons and keys on the keyboard mean
- Some useful 'shortcuts' which save you from using the Mouse.
At the end of the two sessions you will feel a great deal more confident about the basic ways to use the Computer.