Modules are lightweight and flexible extensions used for page rendering. These modules are often “boxes” arranged around a component on a typical page. A well-known example is the login module. Modules are assigned per menu item, so you can decide to show or hide the login module depending on which page (menu item) the user is currently on. Some modules are linked to components: e.g. the “latest news” module. However, modules do not need to be linked to components; they don't even need to be linked to anything and can be just static HTML or text.
Module Positions
A module position is a placeholder in a template.The template designer has complete control over module positions.For example, the module position Left could be defined to be on the left side of the template to display a site navigation menu. So if a module is assigned the Left position, it will be displayed wherever the designer puts that Left module position - not necessarily the left side of the page.
Modules are one of the simplest parts of Joomla and a great entry point for people learning to use the system. They can be displayed just about anywhere on a page (in all the positions a template allows as well as in the main content area using the load module plugin for the com_content component).
To see the module positions in the SeniorNet website:
From the frontend - click at the end of the URL field and add"?tp=1" to the URL ( and press RETURN - the module positions will be outlined in red.
These are the default positions for the Palace3R template:
Information about the Palace3R modules:
To create a new module
Modules are managed in the Joomla! Administrator view by the Module Manager.
- Module Manager > New > Select a Module Type (Custom HTML usually)
- Title, Position (e.g. Position 7 Right)
NOTE: For large image pick "Banner" position
- Hide/Show Title
- Enter content.
NOTE: Do not use returns unless end of paragraph, as wrapping will depend on width of module. (You can use Shift+Enter to start a new line.)
- If inserting an image use Insert/Edit Image icon in JCE, as for Article.
- From Menu Assignment tab go to Module Assignment.
- Choose which pages, e.g. if Only pages selected, click none, then choose which page.
- Click Save go to the frontend, Refresh to review. If OK, click Save & Close.
For more information on creating a module go to:
Joomla! 3.3 Module Manager Help Screen
Module Extensions
Beautiful CK module extension (installed and enabled)
SeniorNet Nelson is using Beautiful CK module extension at the moment on the right-hand side of the website.
- Go to Module Manager and create an ordinary New module first.
- Go to Module Manager again, New, choose Beautiful CK from the list and create a module here, linking the first module.
- To change the properties of the Beautiful CK modules go to Module Manager.
- Click the title of the module you want to change.
- Use the tabs to find the different properties.
- Open a previously created module to find the present options.
OR open a previously created module and click Save as copy.
- Give a new title. Change the text and Save.
- Go to the front end to review, then Save & Close.
Advanced Module Manager (installed and enabled)
- Advanced Module Manager is a Joomla! administrator component (and system plugin).
- Advanced Module Manager is an extension that changes the way your module manager works.
- With Joomla you can normally only assign modules to certain menu items.
- With Advanced Module Manager you have the possibility to assign modules to just about anything you want.
User Guide for Advanced Module Manager:
To change the position of a module when more than one
- • Go to Module Manager, sort by Position.
- • Change the order using the 3 little squares on the left-hand side of the titles.
NOTE: The dummy modules for Beautiful CK have no position, but are necessary to keep.
Joomla! Default Modules
Joomla! is packaged with many modules, more are available on the JED ( 100% 50% no-repeat;">Joomla! Extension Directory). Here are the standard modules available in a new Joomla! installation.
- Archived Articles - shows a list of the calendar months containing Archived Articles.
- Articles - Newsflash - will display a fixed number of articles from a specific category.
- Articles - Related Articles - displays other Articles that are related to the one currently being viewed....
- Articles Categories - displays a list of categories from one parent category.
- Articles Category - displays a list of articles from one or more categories.
- Banners -the Banner Module displays the active Banners from the Component.
- Breadcrumbs - displays the Breadcrumbs (You are here) module.
- Custom HTML - allows you to create your own HTML Module using a WYSIWYG editor.
- Feed Display - allows the displaying of a syndicated feed
- Footer - shows the Joomla! copyright information.
- Language Switcher - displays a list of available Content Languages (as defined and published in...)
- Latest News - shows a list of the most recently published and current Articles. Some that...
- Latest Users - displays the latest registered users
- Login - displays a username and password login form. It also displays a link to...
- Menu - displays a menu on the frontend.
- Most Read Content - shows a list of the currently published Articles which have the highest...
- Popular Tags - displays the most commonly used tags, optionally within specific...
- Random Image - displays a random image from your chosen directory.
- Search - displays a search box.
- Similar Tags - displays links to other items with similar tags. The closeness...
- Smart Search Module - this is a search module for the Smart Search system.
- Statistics - shows information about your server installation together with...
- Syndication Feeds - Smart Syndication Module that creates a Syndicated Feed for the page where the Module is...
- Weblinks - displays Web Links from a category defined in the Weblinks component.
- Who's Online - displays the number of Anonymous Users (e.g. Guests) and...
- Wrapper - shows an iframe window to specified location.
Responsive Module class suffixes
This list is for the Rocket theme, but works for Palace3R too: