At Start up
HINT: Important order for working - C. A. M:
C = Categories. First - create your categories
A = Articles. Next - create your articles
M = Menu. Next - add your article to your menu
Create a Menu
- Go to Menu Manager
- Fill in Menu Details (Title / Menu Type (e.g. Main Menu; Website Development / Description
Add an article to a Menu
Once an article is written and saved:
- Go to Menu Manager
- Choose the Menu you want to add the article to (usually Main Menu)
- Title – usually the same as the article (Choose Show/Hide from Page Display tab – Hide)
- Menu Location –Main Menu
- Parent Item – select Menu title (e.g. new course article would go in Courses menu item)
- Ordering – select the one you want your article to appear after
- Menu Item Type > Articles >Single Article
- Select Article > find article title
- Target window > Parent
- Save > Refresh frontend and review > make any changes necessary > Save & Close
Reorder Menu Headings
- Go to Menu Manager > Main Menu
- Using the 3 little squares to the left of the screen, click and drag Articles within Main Item areas
- NOTE: When a menu title is clicked on the left-hand menu the submenus underneath are/can be sorted, but the submenus on the right-hand menu are/can not.
- To sort: Click Title. If there are more than 10 items, click All in the dropdown list then Title.
Change the title that shows in the browser tab
- Menu Manager > Menu Items > Article
- Page Display tab > Browser Page Title (If want different from Article title)
Add a tiny picture to a Menu Title
- Find an image, save it and resize to 24px x 24px. Upload to Media Manager.
- Open Menu Manager and find menu item to add picture to. Click.
- Click Link Type tab, then Link Image – Select
- Find your image in selection that shows.
- Insert, Refresh.
Submenus and Multi-level menus (Parent and child menus)
Main menu is "Pets", then two top-level menu items (actually submenus of "Pets") called "Dogs" and "Cats". Under Dogs are submenus "Collies" and "Greyhounds". Under Cats are "Tabbies" and "Siamese".
- Pets
- Dogs
- Collies
- Greyhounds
- Cats
- Tabbies
- Siamese
- Dogs
Menu "Pets" and sub menus:
- First create your articles, either separate articles for Pets, Dogs, Collies, Greyhounds, Cats, Tabbies, Siamese, or one article for Pets, one for Dogs and one for Cats.
- In Menu Manager go to Main Menu
- Click New and create a new menu called "Pets"
- Menu Item is Article/Single Article
- Select article – Pets
- Menu Location is Main Menu
- Parent Item is Men Item Root
- Save & Close.
- Still under Main Menu, click New and add a new Menu Item called "Dogs", Menu Item is Article/Single Article, Select article – "Dogs", make "Pets" the Parent Menu. Click Save then choose the Ordering for your menu item:
- Ordering: When you have several items in the drop down list click the item title you want your new menu item to go after.
- Add another Menu Item called "Collies" as above, make "Dogs" the Parent Menu
- Add a third Menu Item called "Greyhounds", again making "Dogs" the Parent Item. (Remember, these can all point to the same article.)
- Add the "Cats" Menu Item. Be sure to make the Parent Item for this "Pets".
- Add the last two Menu Items, "Tabbies" and "Siamese", making "Cats" the Parent Item for both.
Menu Ordering
When creating a new Menu Item:
- In the dropdown ordering list click the item title you want your new menu item to go after.
After several Menu Items have been created:
- Go to Menu Manager. Choose the menu you want to work with (e.g. Main Menu)
- Click on the Menu Item
- Choose Ordering from the ID dropdown
- Select the ID dropdown menu and choose Ordering from the list.
Select the menu item to re-order:
- To re-order a menu item click on the three squares icon, shown circled in the image below.
- As you start moving the menu item it will turn green. Move the item up or down in the list to the position you want, then let go.
- NOTE: You can re-order Articles, Categories and Featured Articles the same way.
Create a Side Menu
- CloudAccess instructions and video:
- Website Template:
SeniorNet website Module Style
- Go to Module Manager, choose Main Menu
- Go to Advanced Tab > Module Style - was "Inherited" now "html5" (shows titles in CAPS with line under each title)
Module Class Suffix is _menu - Other options (under Module Tab):
Select Menu - Main Menu
Start Level - 1
Show Sub-menu items - Yes
Base Item - Current
End Level - All
Position - position-7
Applying Menu Class Suffixes (Horizontal vs. Vertical Menus)
If your main menu shows as a vertical list instead of a horizontal bar add (space) nav-pills to the Menu Class Suffix in the Options section of the menu, as demonstrated in this video: