Windows Starter
4 x 2-hour sessions Cost $40
For Windows 10 users
This course is based on Microsoft Windows 10 and is designed for members who are new to computers or who wish to revise the basics. Windows 10 was released in July 2015 and introduces new features and improvements while including many elements of previous Microsoft operating systems, Windows 7 and 8.
You must have Windows 10 already installed on your computer.
Learning Objectives
• An explanation of computers and computer hardware
• Computer Software and Operating systems
• Correct use of the mouse
• The layout and parts of a Window
• Playing the game of Solitaire
• The correct program and computer closing procedures.
• Tiles on the Start Menu
• Saving and naming a WordPad document.
• Entering, editing and highlighting text.
• Formatting text using options Bold, Italic and Underline
• Using Cut Copy and Paste tools
• Microsoft Account
• Send an Email message
• Introduction to File Explorer
• Using a USB Flash Drive
• Accessing the Internet using Windows 10 Edge browser
• Searching and opening webpages
• Look at YouTube and play a video
• Opening the Photos app and viewing pictures
• Opening the Music app and playing music
• SeniorNet Course Progress Chart